ComputerCraft compatibility

If you have ComputerCraft: Tweaked installed, TARDIM: IC provides quite a few peripherals.

The main one is new Digital TARDIM Interface, which gives you complete control over your TARDIM. However, some TARDIM blocks also receive getters for information related to them.

ComputerCraft for beginners

ComputerCraft adds working computers to minecraft, controlled by Lua language. If you are new, CC's official discord has a lot of people who can help. I also suggest taking a look at Lua's website and CC: Tweaked's documentaion

Please do not ask questions about ComputerCraft itself in TARDIM: IC's Discord. I am far from the most experienced user of that mod.

Notes about mod's peripherals

All of the peripherals throw if they are called outside a TARDIM. Only digital interface has ability to set data, others can only get.

Available peripherals

Type Description
Digital Interface Total control over your TARDIM.
Fuel Storage Gives info about fuel.
TARDIM Scanner Gives info about TARDIM's inhabitants and things like existing biomes, online players.
Time Rotor Gives info about flight status, destination and current location.